A downloadable vegan for Android

Vegangelize meat eaters and polluters to a better life!

Turn others that are not into the devine lifestyle of the veganism. Choose between encouraging and shaming people. Everyone could and should be able to laugh about their selfs and eat an avocado toast happily. The game experience is supposed to be a humoristic parody. 

Made in EkoGameJam 2019 @ Finland, Terkko Health Hub. 
The game uses a database for the emissions: https://ilmastodieetti.ymparisto.fi/ilmastodieetti/swagger/ui/index#/


Jesse Nukarinen, code
Jarmo Kuutti, code
Jarkko Ingerö, art
Jari Miranda, art
Keith Davis, audio
????, mentor


Shames_1.2.apk 62 MB

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